Friday, July 28, 2006

Which is better?

Which is better, men or women? I'm a woman and I know the pros and cons. Women can get whatever they want - so long as they are attractive - but they have downsides. We have a monthly visitor which sucks the life out of us at least one day of every month, at least that's what happens to me... and when we don't get it, it means we are pregnant, and - per my mom - labor is 100 times worse then cramps. Men on the other hand have to always seem tough and cool, have to get a woman and once they have her, pay for things for her, like rings and jewelry and such. But then women take care of men too. I'm a woman and I know I like being a girl. But maybe men have it better off. They don't go through periods and pregnancy. But periods and pregnancy also give woman a good excuse to act bitchy. So... I don't know. I'm just curious what others think on it.

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