Wednesday, August 23, 2006

The Office

I have discovered the TV show "The Office" and it has recently become one of my favorite shows. It's hilarious. I bought the 1st season and put it on my iPod. I am so happy that I can buy a whole season of my fave show - because I discovered "The Office" on reruns and now I can watch all of the episodes in order and commercial free! W00t! I have to know if Pam and Jim get together (the last episode of the season is the first one I saw). I've been wondering and I've decided it's something I must know! I'm a dork.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Family Reunion

I had a family reunion last weekend with my mom's family. It's always interesting to get a bunch of completely different people together, who's only reason to be there is that you share the same or similar blood and genes. I've always been pretty close to my family - we have a reunion just about every year. Even so, there's always little brother/sister tiffs and people who aren't fond of others in the family and little tensions here and there. My family is so diverse - mostly when it comes to religion - and I love them all, though I have to say I enjoy being around some more then others.
My boyfriend met them and he pointed out something that I found funny. My whole family has the same sense of humor, which is pretty funny because my dad does too, so it makes sense that my mom liked him.
Anywho, overall it was fun. We have a lot of musicians in the family, so we did a little variety show in my uncle's living room, went to the beach, shared pictures, and all that fun stuff.
Next year it's in Seattle. Brrrr....

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

San Francisco

I am very possibly going to San Francisco with my boyfriend for our anniversary. I am sooooo excited. San Francisco is one of the best cities EVER. I love it there. I hope we can go. I am going to post pics of the last time I went there next time I can get on to blogspot.

Oh - and I did see Wicked. It was wickedly good. There's this great line that Fiyero says: "I am genuinely self absorbed and deeply shallow". It was a brilliant show.